1. Import of reports from v1
Is it possible to migrate into the new version the reports created in the previous version of the tool?
It is possible to import the reports created in v1 of the tool from 2018. Reports will be accessible in the new tool in a 'non editable' status. Users will be able to make editable copies of these reports and convert them into the new code lists. If you would like to import your reports please contact us through the contact area of the website.
2. Request a report
As a premium user that will request reports to other companies, what steps should I follow the first time I enter the tool?
As a premium user you can request connected companies to prepare reports for you. You will be able to review and comment the content of the report, and change the status of it.
- Set requirements for reporters. Requirements may be set for all reports, or limited to certain input and output fractions - you can do this from the management/requirements area
- If the default attributes on hazardousness, traceability or content of critical raw materials do not reflect the situation in your country, adapt the attributes of the output fractions to your national legislative situation. You can do this from the management/Output fractions area.
- The classification of final treatment operations into recycling, recovery etc… may differ from one country to another, adapt the calculation criteria to your national situation from the section management/use in final technologies.
- Create a connection with the company that will create your report e.g. an auditor, a treatment plant etc.. You can send an invite to connect from 'Management/connections' and click on the button 'Connect with companies'. The reporter will need a license (basic or premium) to be able to create the report and share it with you.
- Request a report to a reporter, you will find this option under the area Reports button ‘request a report’. The company will receive an e-mail and invited to prepare the report. The company will need a license of the WF-RepTool to prepare the report.
- Monitor progress: you will receive an email when the invited company accepts or declines your request. You can follow the status of each request from the area reports/requests for reports
3. Compare report
Why can’t I compare reports?
You must have a premium license to be able to compare reports. Only closed reports can be compared. Checkboxes should appear next to the reports with ‘closed’ status on the ‘Reports’ area. Select the reports that you wish to compare using the check boxes.
4. Report status
Can I revert the status of a closed or canceled report to ‘complete’ or ‘in progress’?
It is not possible, but if you changed the status into ‘closed’ or ‘canceled’ by mistake, you can create a new report from a copy and continue editing it.
Questions on managing users
1. Add users
How can I give access to the tool to my company colleagues?
You can give access to your WF-RepTool account to other persons within your organisation, for this go to 'Management/Users' on the top tool bar, click on the button 'invite a new user', complete the fields and send the invite. Your colleagues will receive a notification from the tool, and invited to register as part of your organisation.
Can I give access to the tool to users from other companies?
You can give access to your company's WF-RepTool account to other persons within your organisation. Persons working for other legal or natural persons working for your company or hiring your company (e.g. treatment operators, auditors, PROs etc) should have their own license, and be invited to connect with you for collaboration through the ‘management/connections’ area.
Questions on licenses
1. License upgrades
Can I upgrade my Basic or free license with a Premium license?
Yes, you can. You simply need to log into the tool and go to the area 'Management/My organisations', click on 'change license/add plants' button. The corresponding fee difference will be calculated and you will receive a payment request.
How many plants can I report with my license? can I add more plants?
To know the number of plants (first acceptor) you can report about, you simply need to go to the area 'Management/My organisation'. The number of plants available and used appear on the left hand side. You can add more reportable plants to your profile from the same section, to do this click on 'change license/add plants' button. The corresponding fee difference will be calculated and you will receive a payment request.
2. Cancelling licenses
How can I cancel my license?
You can cancel your license any time from the 'Management/My organisation' area.
What happens to my reports if I cancel my license?
When canceling your registration, the data of all users associated with your organization will be anonymized. Users will no longer have access to WF-RepTool, and all internal reports and settings will be permanently deleted. Recipients and other organisations that you shared your data with will still be able to access the reports.